What if your discontent is calling you to something more?

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I enjoyed my "honeymoon period" from retirement for about six months.

However, I soon realized that retirement was not what I had anticipated.

I felt bored, worried, stressed, and unhappy since I spent most of my time at home.

I felt uninspired to accomplish activities I enjoy.

I had no idea who I was outside of work.

I felt lost and started longing for my corporate life before retirement. 

One of my significant discontents was not knowing how to share the knowledge and experiences I had acquired to impact and make a difference in people's lives.

I wanted to contribute and give back to society in one way or another.

I had no idea what and how to do it.

During this period of frustration and dissatisfaction, I suddenly remembered a crucial principle I had read in Mary Morrissey's book, "Building Your Field of Dreams." It was:


Mary Morrissey says, "Respect the feeling inside you that's nudging you toward a greater experience." 

It dawned on me then that I shouldn't ignore my restlessness... I should embrace it.

When we suppress our desires, we become numb and unable to produce something more captivating. Instead, bring those internal rumblings to the surface so we can examine them.

These rumblings challenge us not to settle for mediocrity and push us toward a more meaningful existence.

Our dissatisfaction can guide us to our goals if we let them.

My long-held desire to write and publish my book began to sneak into my thoughts about this time. Would writing a book about the experiences, information, and skill sets I had learned and acquired during my corporate days alleviate my discontent?

I felt energized, alive, and determined when I thought about this book-writing project. It lit a fire inside me.

I committed to writing that book to give myself a purpose and make my best contribution to society

It was a challenging journey writing the book. It took me about two and a half years to navigate through the ups and downs, especially the many occasions when writer's block hit me. I also had to quiet down my constant inner conversations telling me, "Who are you to write a book?" Or, "You're not cut out to be an author." Or, Who would purchase your book?" or "You're too old." Or, or, or.

I struggled with and overcame my limiting beliefs by using regular self-affirmations that I could do it.

I had to change how I think and infuse my mind with positive and empowering thoughts.

I also received unconditional love and support from my family to write the book I wanted so badly. 

And I did it! My first self-help book was published in 2018, "Your Thoughts Matter - Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Destiny."

I honored my discontent.

I believe almost everyone will have some form of longing and discontent in life. Respect your dissatisfaction and allow it to guide you toward your desires and higher benefit. 

When your longing is genuine, you will know it. It is when simply thinking about it or talking about it motivates you even when results are still far off.

Your Turn

Where do you feel discontent when you consider your life and the opportunities for you right now? What's one step you can take toward honoring your discontent and exploring what may be waiting for you on the other side?

Here's to honoring your discontent.

Remember, you are meant to live a life you love at every age and every stage.
