Reigniting My Dream

Reigniting My Dream
"You are meant to live a life you love at every age and every stage."
Like most people, I, too, had my fair share of ups and downs throughout my life, especially when I transitioned to retirement. Inner doubt, anxiety, and fear appear to be my constant companions. However, I am also glad for the opportunity to spend quality time with my family and to have a variety of mini-projects to keep me busy.
I'm a Dream Builder coach, certified by Mary Morrissey, the founder of Brave Thinking Institute. I am grateful to learn so much from Mary and to teach and share the dream building knowledge with my coaching clients. It’s a privilege to empower them with principles and tools, a lifelong skillset, to design and live the life they love. I enjoyed presenting and sharing the dream builder process with audiences at club meetings and other venues. I’m blessed and grateful to have applied what I’ve learned in living one of my greatest dreams by self-publishing my first book, "Your Thoughts Matter."
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic hit us back in 2020. I was devastated, shocked, and stunned. Staying safe and healthy became the key priority. But I was also filled with doubt, worry, and fear about how to reconnect and serve people again. I had planned and enthusiastically prepared myself to conduct Dream Building seminars and workshops.
It felt like I was transitioning into retirement, out of a job again! My dream of living my goal as a transformational life coach was on the verge of collapsing. Like many, I was lost and trapped at home. My desire and intentions to deliver the Dream Building classes had been dashed. It was a terrifying thought, and I was assaulted with negative self-talk, arguing with me that this was life!
I did not want to kill my dream due to the conditions and circumstances surrounding me. So I did everything possible to stay relevant in my coaching program for the following two years. I research, read, and attend relevant online webinars to supplement my understanding of how we may design our lives and transform our possibilities into realities.
In early 2022, intuitively, I recognized I needed to put into practice a simple lesson taught to me by Mary Morrissey, that is, "To notice what I'm noticing."
What I noticed and realized is that life continues despite the pandemic! When our lives are disturbed and disrupted, there are always opportunities and possibilities for growth. We can navigate this life turbulence by mastering and managing changes in our lives at every age and stage.
I noted that during the COVID-19 period, many firms began harnessing the digital platform's power to reach out, connect and serve people with their goods and services.
My light bulb turned on! What if I could reignite my life coaching business by creating my coaching website and YouTube channel to reach out to more people? Wow! The idea of relaunching my coaching career digitally really blew my head. I felt reignited and energized like a "Coach on Fire!" I started to find new meaning and purpose in doing what I love. It’s my passion to empower people with dream building principles and tools. To support and empower them to transition from where they are to where they want to be in this next era of their lives.
However, my lack of understanding of technology and the digital economy became my biggest block in reigniting my dream! I chastised myself for not embracing the digital world much earlier. My desire to coach was more significant than the technology challenge I faced at age sixty-eight. My overriding thinking became, "How can I do what I want to do?"
As they say, "where your attention goes, energy flows, and results show." So, out of the blue, I got connected with a terrific coach, Pam Sterling, founder of Coaches On Fire. It became a blessing and privilege to have her as my coach to help and support me in designing and creating my website and YouTube channel.
Pam guided and coached me with the understanding that I was not tech-savvy and was very patient with me. She shared many principles and tools, including techniques and strategies on how I can reignite my dream as a transformational life coach. We worked closely together, and one of the most prominent ideas coming out from our mastermind was to start a "Dreamtirement" conversation. What a way to reignite my dream! It is to serve and support people transitioning into retirement for one reason or another.
No one succeeds alone. Sometimes we need someone to be our partner in believing with unconditional support in our journey to achieve our ambitions. This support structure includes family members, close friends, a coach, or a mentor. In this connection, I must say that Pam is "A truly amazing Coach who is hard to find, Difficult to part with, and Impossible to forget."
Yay! I manifested my dream. Pam successfully helped me launch my website ( in September 2022. I also released my first video, "How to Befriend Your Fear," with her help and guidance.
There will always be ups and downs in life's transitions. We don't have to let these life interruptions steal and kill our dream life. Look for opportunities to grow. Reframe our thinking with growth thoughts. How we experience life’s transitions is heavily influenced by the story we tell ourselves about events and circumstances in our lives. Tell ourselves a more empowering story. Change our story, and we will change our life. Relax, take a deep breath, and shrug off whatever restricts our life. Pick ourselves up and bounce back.
I wouldn't say it has been an easy ride for me doing what I had to do and doing it afraid, but it's been well worth it, reigniting my dream.
What lies ahead for me, I believe, are possibilities. Fear will always be my constant companion. I need to do it afraid and be uncomfortable in the interest of growth and living my dreams. I know It works if I work it!
I believe we are all meant to live a life we love at every age and stage. I remain optimistic and confident by doing what I can with what I have from where I am to live the life I desire.
I invite you to reflect on your life and consider what is possible for you today.
Over to you:
Ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the dream life I would love to live?
- What specific action step can I take today to move me closer to my dream life?
Remember, you are meant to live a life you love at every age and every stage.
PS – Do check out the websites of Mary Morrissey and Pam Sterling for more information.