How Can I Live Purposefully?

How can I live purposefully?
Some say that the two crucial days in our life are the day we're born, and the day we find out why.
Let the truth be told that it's not always easy to discover the why, that is, the purpose of our existence or our true calling in life, but it's possible!
Discovering and defining your purpose can help you gain clarity, focus, and direction. Becoming aware of your purpose enables you to connect with the creative part of you to create the life you would love to live.
It's your birthright and responsibility to discover your life's intention and transform yourself to live a more expanded and fulfilling life.
I firmly believe we are meant to live a life we love at every age and stage; thus, knowing the why is critical.
Your why or purpose is like a compass. It helps you navigate life in the right direction towards the life you would love. You can agree that living without a goal can be tormenting and stressful. I've experienced that life before. It's like walking or driving aimlessly without a destination or just living life as it is year after year without a goal or dream to pursue to grow and become a better version of ourselves.
Living purposefully means living a life you would love and doing what truly matters to you that aligns with your beliefs and values. With purpose, you can become more focused and inspired to live your dream life. You feel motivated, energized, happy, grateful, and blessed. You wake up each morning determined to live out every moment of your life.
I know that we are all meant to live a great life. I believe you can agree that we have a vision or a dream to live a more purposeful and better life in four areas. They are in our health & well-being, relationships, work & talent, and what we can be, do, have, give, and create with our time and money freedom.
Examples are having better mental and physical health and waking up daily to a more energized and vibrant life. Having more loving and deeper relationships with your loved ones, finding a significant other, or improved working relationships with your bosses and colleagues. To showcase your work and talent to positively impact the lives of others, such as being a transformational life coach, an artist, an author, or a leader in your field of work. To be, do, have, and give with your time and money freedom, like spending more quality time with your family or contributing back to society.
With purpose, the vision of your dream life becomes more explicit, specific, focused, and setting the direction in your life. Once you know the what and why, ideas on the how will come to you to help you take the next best step toward your dream life.
How, then, can we discover our purpose in life?
As a certified transformational life coach in the field of Dream Building, I help people to discover and live their purpose in life. I want to share with you two key points I have learned and applied fruitfully in my life to live purposefully: Discovering your purpose begins with clarity and specificity in what you would love and your values.
I invite you to ponder and answer the following two questions. Contemplate hard on your answers, and ideas will come to you on what baby steps you can take in the direction of your dream to live purposefully:
(1) What would I love in each domain of my life?
It has to be something you love to be, do, have, and give. Something that energizes and excites you and can provide you with meaning and direction to live a life you would love. Some examples are: I love to exercise to live a more energetic and healthy life, I love to have a happy and loving family, I am passionate about helping others discover and live their dreams, and I love gardening and growing beautiful flowers.
(2) What are the values that matter most to you?
Values are like your solid and deep beliefs that determine your emotions and actions. Examples include family, honesty, respect, kindness, humility, and gratitude.
The late Bob Proctor, the world's foremost expert on the human mind, once said,
"It all starts with knowing your purpose. So, don't go another day without trying to discover yours. Finding your purpose and living it will change every day of your life."
So, discover and define your why on who you intend to be, do, have, and give.
Remember always that "you are meant to live a life you love at every age and stage."
PS - If you believe you are meant to live a life you love and are ready to learn how to engineer your own happiness, let's have a Dreamtirement conversation. (click)