Embracing Fear

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Embracing Fear
My life changed when I realized this simple truth that had eluded me!
That is, it's okay to feel fear. But don't let it hold you back.
So, do you have fear, or does fear have you?
Mark Twain once shared, "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened." This simple yet profound statement reminds us that much of our fear never materializes. How often do we let our imaginations run wild with negative possibilities, only to realize that reality is far less frightening?
Fear has a sneaky way of holding us back from our desired life. But fear doesn't have to be our master.
Hi, I'm George Goh from George Goh Coaching, author of Your Thoughts Matter.
Let me share a journey where I learned to overcome fear and embrace life confidently and joyfully.
As a child, I was terrified of the dark. Scary movies fueled my imagination, leaving me paralyzed with fear when night fell. The monsters under my bed and the shadows in my room felt all too real. It wasn't until my parents noticed my distress that I realized I didn't have to suffer alone.
Their simple advice changed everything. Instead of dwelling on fear, they encouraged me to fill my mind with laughter and joy. Comedy shows replaced horror movies, and slowly but surely, the grip of fear loosened its hold on me.
It wasn't an overnight transformation, but gradually, I reclaimed control over my thoughts and feelings. I learned that fear doesn't have to define us. We can acknowledge its presence without letting it dictate our actions.
Through this experience, I discovered a powerful truth: there's a difference between fear having us and us having fear. Fear may always be present, but we can decide how to respond.
Transitioning and transforming to become a better version of ourselves through life's phases, like in the domains of our health and relationships, entering a new career, transitioning into retirement, or retirement, can be daunting. But if fear holds us back, then fear has won. Instead, we must embrace discomfort as a sign of growth and progress.
Highly successful and happy people understand this concept well. They don't let fear paralyze them; instead, they use it as fuel to propel themselves forward. They befriend their fear and use it as a stepping stone to move forward to live the life they desire.
So, I invite you to reflect on your own life. Where have you allowed fear to limit your potential? And what steps can you take today to reclaim control and pursue your desired life?
Remember, it's okay to feel fear. But don't let it hold you back. Embrace it, acknowledge it, and then move forward boldly.
I’m seventy (70) years old, and I still embrace fear to live my dreams with confidence and joy!
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Together, let's choose to have fear, but let's never let fear have us. Because life is meant to be lived with confidence and joy at every age and every stage.
Thank you for reading this latest blog post.
Until next time, embrace fear and let it propel you towards the life you love.💪
P.S. If you are ready to live the life you love, click this link for a complimentary dream retirement chat with me. Let's figure out where you are, where you want to be, and the best steps to move you forward. Your dream life is waiting!