Are you Retiring or Refiring?

Transitioning into retirement can be the best years of your life if you are committed to refiring and living what I call your "Dreamtirement" life.
For those who have retired, perhaps retirement hasn't turned out to be the dreamtirement life you imagined it to be. You may have possibly:
- Feel uncertain about your purpose outside of work?
- Find yourselves worrying about finances?
- Have concerns about your health?
- Feeling stressed, anxious, worried, or fearful?
- Questioning your decision to retire?
- Wondering why happiness has eluded you?
I can understand how you feel and know how worrying and stressful it can be because I've lived those experiences too. I believe we are greater than our conditions and circumstances, and we have what it takes to create the life we dreamed of when we transitioned to retirement.
Retirement does not have to be a time to struggle, endure, or grapple with life unless you believe it to be so. Why not think and have faith that it can be a blessing and opportunity to live the life you've always wanted. It's your choice and decision. Embrace retirement as a new beginning to refire by scripting the best chapter of your dreamtirement life and living a life of happiness and significance.
So, refire with the mindset to make things happen and live your best life ever instead of living as it is. As authors, Ken Blanchard and Morten Shaevitz rightly pointed out in their best-seller book, Refire! Don't Retire:
"It ain't over till it's over," and "Growth is a lifetime adventure!"
Life transitions are a given at any age and stage of our lives. Things happen in life, and usually, they happen for a reason. When life throws us a challenge, like a retirement, we can either brood and live with it or tell ourselves that it is not a reason to stop living the life we love. We can commit to embracing life's challenges to refire and reinvent ourselves to live a life with happiness, significance, and purpose for ourselves and our loved ones.
But first, you must be clear about the what and why at this phase of your life. That is your purpose and why you wake up in the morning. With clarity of your what and why - achieving what you want becomes more accessible. Learn to harness the power of your thoughts and co-create with the Universe to manifest what you would love. Align your intention with your attention on what you love, and the "magic" happens. Thoughts, ideas, and solutions will come to you "out of the blue" to move you toward your dreamtirement life.
Realize that each moment, day, week, month, and year is unique, for we can only live it once. Let's be grateful and count our blessings to be alive and living a brand new day never lived before. Harry Emerson Fosdick, an American pastor, profoundly said:
"Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to."
Consider seriously what it will cost you not to refire to live a life of happiness and significance in this phase. Refiring can be the little things in life that bring you joy and happiness and to be able to live with love, gratitude, and significance. It can be living energetically with a healthy lifestyle or spending more fun time with your loved ones. It can be learning to play the guitar you loved but couldn't find the time before. It can be expressing your talents in a hobby like gardening or painting. It can be traveling to countries or places you dreamed of or contributing back to society in one way or another.
What would you love to be, do, have, give, and create in retirement? What is your "Dreamtirement" life? Please give it a thought and list three things you love to be, do, have, give or create. This one to three or more items can become your new purpose in life as you gracefully refire instead of retire. It may be challenging, but the time and effort you put into thinking and acting on it can be transformational.
Over to you:
Take the leap of faith to refire and not retire. Ask yourself the following:
- Which particular area of my life would I love to refire?
- What can I do to spice up that area and challenge myself in my dreamtirement life?
Remember always that "you are meant to live a life you love at every age and stage."
PS - If you believe you are meant to live a life you love and are ready to learn how to engineer your own happiness, let's have a Dreamtirement conversation. (click)