What is your Dream?

What is your dream?
What do you love?
Do you ever find yourself chasing after dreams that don't seem to fit? Perhaps you're unsure if your aspirations genuinely align with who you are.
You are not alone. I was once like this, confused and uncertain of which dreams to pursue to live the life I would love. I'm very grateful to have learned from my mentor the five key questions to test my dreams and facilitate me in deciding, designing, building, and living my dreams.
In this blog, we will delve into five crucial questions to help you determine if your dream suits you.
Today, we're diving deep into the essence of dreams and goals.
Oscar Hammerstein once said, "A dream cannot come true unless you dream that dream.” Create a clear vision of the dream life you desire. Focus on what you would love in the four key domains of life - your health & well-being, love & relationships, your vocation - what you do with your time and talent, and in your time and money freedom. Then, let's take it a step further: Is that goal or dream you envisioned genuinely in sync with who you are and what you love? Let's find out!
Ask yourself these five key test questions:
Q1-Do I have a burning desire for it?
Picture this: when you think about your dream, does it excite and enlivens you? If your answer is a resounding yes, you're onto something special. Example: My dream has been to write and publish a self-help book after retiring from the corporate world. I had a burning desire and the thought and vision of becoming an author after retirement refired and enlivened me and gave me a reason to wake up every morning. I'm so happy and grateful to manifest my dream by publishing my first book, Your Thoughts Matter, in 2018. True dreams evoke a burning desire, passion, and emotional connection. The fire in your belly propels you forward, igniting your sense of purpose and aliveness.
Q2-Is what I love in alignment with my core values?
Our values serve as our compass in life. So, ask yourself: does my dream align with what truly matters to me? Example: If having more quality time and deeper loving relationships with your loved ones is your heart's desire, then dreaming of a job with frequent business trips and long overtime work in the office will not align with your core values or what matters most to you. It's like building a house on shaky ground. For your dream to thrive, it must be firmly rooted in your values, guiding you towards a fulfilling path.
Q3-Do I need to become more and grow to live the life I love?
A dream worth pursuing isn't just the destination but the journey. Does your dream push you out of your comfort zone? Does it challenge you to grow and evolve? If not, then the dream is not big enough for you. It has to be a stretched goal or dream which requires you to evolve and grow to become a better version of yourself. Embrace the discomfort, for it's in those moments of growth that we truly discover our potential.
Q4-Do I need help from a Higher Power?
Sometimes, our dreams exceed our understanding. Example: If you can easily manifest your dream without help, it's not a dream. However, if you sincerely know the what and why of your dream but don't know how to realize your dream, That’s a stretched dream and that's where help from a higher power comes in. Whether you call it the Universe, God, or something else, tapping into a more significant source can illuminate your path. Trust the universe's wisdom as you journey towards your dream.
Q5-Will living my dream bring good to others?
Dreams aren't just about personal fulfilment but about contributing to the greater good. Ask yourself: does my dream benefit others? It is like how you feel when your loved ones create and live their dreams. You can feel happy for them and blessed in some ways, too. The universe thrives on expansion, and a dream aligned with your true self will inevitably bring positive change to those around you.
Now, your answers must be "YES" to all the five questions for each vision in the four domains of your dream life. However, if you answer "no" to one or more questions, it does not mean you do not have a dream to live your desired life! You need to redefine your vision with more clarity and specificity to align with what you would love until you can answer "yes" to all the questions and decide which dream to pursue.
Once you have decided on that dream, ask yourself this compelling question:
"What steps can I take now to move me closer to my dream life?"
Once you decide to create the dream, it's easy to get stuck and fall back into your comfort zone with limiting thoughts and beliefs. Have faith and confidence in yourself to manifest your dream. You can make a promise to yourself with this affirmation:
"I can do what I can, with what I have, from where I am, knowing that I always have more than it takes to transform my dreams into realities."
As you navigate the sea of dreams, remember to listen to your inner voice of truth or intuition. Distinguish your most profound desires from fleeting hopes and wishes, and choose the dream that resonates with your true essence, what matters most to you.
And always remember, you're not alone on this journey. You can turn your dream into reality by co-creating with the divine, the higher power.
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Thank you very much for taking the time to read this blog.
Until next time, “Dare to dream and live your dream because you are meant to live a life you love at every age and every stage.”😊🙏
P.S. If you are ready to live the life you love, click this link for a complimentary dream retirement chat with me. Let's figure out where you are, where you want to be, and the best steps to move you forward. Your dream life is waiting!